Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Make A Wish!

Ever since I was a little girl, my sisters & I would make a wish every time we saw 11:11 on the clock. I am not positive how we started doing it. I am pretty sure it was just something we learned on the playground, or from a random relative. But as long as I can remember it's been a moment my sisters & I shared to stop & make a wish.

Well one year ago today, at 11:11 my wish for a family finally came true. My family came in a different way than I envisioned, but I guess God doesn't care what plans I make. Now I can't imagine my life without my a handsome son with my blue eyes and Jason's adorable smile. Ladies watch out! As a victim of that smile, I can tell you it's deadly. Conner is learning new things everyday & I can't help but sit back and watch in awe. He is so smart and curious. I can't wait to see what he accomplishes as he gets older.

A year ago today was also the hardest part of my life - watching Conner in the hospital without the ability to help him or hold him. It's crazy that a year later I can still just sit and watch him sleep sometimes and never get bored. Looking back I am so glad that things happened the way that they did because it changed me forever. I always said that I wouldn't be one of those people who changed because they had children. But here I am spending Saturday nights with my little man and loving every second of it. I am so grateful to Conner and Jason for making my life a million times better.

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